Development, manufacturing and testing of musical instruments (Germany)
How Tomatoes Conquer Biology Lessons (Germany)
It’s a green world! (Germany)
Simple experiments on breadboard (Hungary)
Fresco and the Hidden Chem (Italy)
How Much Maths there is in Fruit and Vegetables! (Italy)
Oranges and Lemons (Italy)
Steam for STEM! (Italy)
Live, not survive! (Latvia)
The Challenge of Quantum Reality (Lithuania)
Embodied Simulations (Netherlands)
Experiments with gelatin and sugar (Poland)
Curie Engines (Poland)
See the Sound (Poland)
Top model (Poland)
History of Maths in Classroom: an educational challenge (Portugal)
Old Sensors Recovery (Portugal)
Simply Robotics (Portugal)
The Periodic Table of the Smartphone (Portugal)
Clothes peg and paper physics (Slovakia)
Predict – Observe – Explain (Slovakia)
Dinner for two (Slovenia)
See, Think, Unlock! – GimLit fortress (Slovenia)
Tannin (Slovenia)
Searching for Pythagoras (Spain)
To a low-carbon economy in the High School (Spain)
What does the Umami Taste? (Spain)
Experiment with scrapyard findings (Sweden)
Flash and thunder – Let’s talk about energy! (Sweden)
Project Time Machine (Switzerland)
Ionic Bond Puzzle (Turkey)
Physics out of the Pocket (Ukraine)
1000 paper cranes: Teaching radiation in context (United Kingdom)
Be a magician! (United Kingdom)
The Hula-hoop Hundreds-and-thousands Hadron Collider (United Kingdom)
Using junk to make a device that collects energy from the Sun (United Kingdom)
You’re Fired! (United Kingdom)
These are the projects presented within the guiding theme Low-Cost and Recycled Science at the Science on Stage festival 2019. Further information about each project can be found in the programme booklet.